built for developers fusionauth

Built for Developers

Security without sacrificing user experience with adaptable multi-factor identification.

built for developers fusionauth
easy to setup for developer icon

Easy to Set Up

We care about working with developers. That’s why we’re committed to giving you everything you need to get started quickly, right out of the box. 

great documentation for developer icon

Great Documentation

We offer comprehensive documentation, guides and a forum to speed up your development process and give you the tools you need to integrate  fast, secure authentication. 

fusionauth dashboard api key mockup

APIs Galore

Perform any action in FusionAuth from your application whenever you need to. Because we built the APIs first and then our UI on top of them, you can access nearly every feature of FusionAuth through our APIs.

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Integrates Seamlessly With Customer Apps

Enable your users to sign into your app with a username and password, passwordless link, or social login. Enable MFA or integrate with other identity providers using SAML for additional security.

Continuous Integration

Fusionauth easily integrates into CI systems using a combination of Docker and Kickstart. Docker and Kickstart let you configure and share development environments, create replicable bug reports and spin up auth instances with a well known, versioned set of data for continuous integration and testing.

continuous integration docker fusionauth kickstart
webhooks for every event

Webhooks For All Your Events

FusionAuth can fire system events  — including user creation, user login and many others — right to your backend. Secure the data via a client certificate, TLS, custom header, among other mechanisms. Either fire and forget these messages or require them to succeed before the triggering action completes.