JWT Refresh
JWT Refresh
Event Scope
Prior to version 1.37.0 this was a tenant or application scoped event. It can be sent to all applications or to one or more specified applications.
The ability to limit the generation of an event for only certain applications is legacy functionality and is removed as of version 1.37.0. In earlier versions, you almost certainly want to enable this event at the tenant level and optionally filter on the tenantId when consuming the event.
In version 1.37.0 and later this is a tenant scoped event. It can be sent to all tenants or to one or more specified tenants. Those tenants will only be sent events related to their tenant. You can optionally also filter on the applicationId when consuming the event.
Transaction Compatibility
This event is transactional. The final state of the operation which caused the webhook is not persisted to FusionAuth until after the webhook finishes; learn more
Event Body
UUIDThe unique Id of the Application for which the token provides access.
LongThe instant that the event was generated.
UUIDThe unique Id of the event. You may receive an event more than once based upon your transaction settings. This Id may be used to identify a duplicate event.
ObjectAvailable since 1.30.0An object that can hold any information about the event that should be persisted.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The description of the device associated with the event.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The device name associated with the event.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The type of device associated with the event.
StringAvailable since 1.27.0The source IP address of the event.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The city where the event originated.
Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize event location data.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The country where the event originated.
Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize event location data.
DoubleAvailable since 1.30.0The latitude where the event originated.
Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize event location data.
DoubleAvailable since 1.30.0The longitude where the event originated.
Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize event location data.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The geographic location where the event originated.
Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize event location data.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The zip code where the event originated.
Note: An Enterprise plan is required to utilize event location data.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The operating system associated with the event.
StringAvailable since 1.30.0The user agent associated with the event.
StringThe original encoded access token which was provided on the JWT refresh request. This field will be omitted if the token parameter was not provided on the initiating request.
StringThe refresh token which was provided on the JWT refresh request, used in refreshing the JWT.
StringThe new encoded access token.
UUIDAvailable since 1.8.0The unique tenant identifier. This value may not be returned if not applicable.
StringThe event type, this value will always be jwt.refresh
UUIDThe unique Id of the User for which the access token was granted.
Example Event JSON
"event": {
"type": "jwt.refresh",
"createInstant": 1566842908643,
"id": "ef73f801-0efb-4b3d-91e9-99888d792137",
"tenantId": "800d17be-ad77-4f3d-93e1-ef73dfa50cf2",
"applicationId": "79360eaa-2c25-429b-b8c7-0ba353127e9b",
"original": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImtpZCI6IkFuYV91STRWbWxiMU5YVXZ0cV83SjZKZFNtTSJ9.eyJleHAiOjE1ODgzNTM0NjAsImlhdCI6MTU4ODM1MzQwMCwiaXNzIjoiZnVzaW9uYXV0aC5pbyIsInN1YiI6IjAwMDAwMDAwLTAwMDAtMDAwMS0wMDAwLTAwMDAwMDAwMDAwMCIsImF1dGhlbnRpY2F0aW9uVHlwZSI6IlBBU1NXT1JEIiwiZW1haWwiOiJ0ZXN0MEBmdXNpb25hdXRoLmlvIiwiZW1haWxfdmVyaWZpZWQiOnRydWUsInByZWZlcnJlZF91c2VybmFtZSI6InVzZXJuYW1lMCJ9.ZoIHTo3Pv0DpcELeX_wu-ZB_rd988jefZc2Ozu9_p59kttwqMm5PV8IDbgxJw9xcq9TFoNG8e_B6renoc11JC54UbiyeXBjF7EH01n9LDz-zTGqu9U72470Z4E7IPAHcyvJIBx4Mp9sgsEYAUm9Tb8ChudqNHhn6ZnXYI7Sew7CtGlu62f10wdBYGX0soYARHBv9CwhJC3-gsD2HLmqHAP_XhrpaYPNr5EAvmCHlM-JlTiEQ9bXwSc4gv-XbPQWamwy8Kcdb-g0EEAml_dC_b2CduwwYg0EoPQB3tQxzTUQzADi7K6q0CtQXv2_1VrRi6aQ4lt7v7t-Na39wGry_pA",
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOjE0ODc5NzU0NTgsImlhdCI6MTQ4Nzk3MTg1OCwiaXNzIjoiYWNtZS5jb20iLCJzdWIiOiI4NThhNGIwMS02MmM4LTRjMmYtYmZhNy02ZDAxODgzM2JlYTciLCJhcHBsaWNhdGlvbklkIjoiM2MyMTllNTgtZWQwZS00YjE4LWFkNDgtZjRmOTI3OTNhZTMyIiwicm9sZXMiOlsiYWRtaW4iXX0.O29_m_NDa8Cj7kcpV7zw5BfFmVGsK1n3EolCj5u1M9hZ09EnkaOl5n68OLsIcpCrX0Ue58qsabag3MCNS6H4ldt6kMnH6k4bVg4TvIjoR8WE-yGcu_xDUObYKZYaHWiNeuDL1EuQQI_8HajQLND-c9juy5ILuz6Fhx8CLfHCziEHX_aQPt7jQ2IIasVzprKkgvWS07Hiv2Oskryx49wqCesl46b-30c6nfttHUDEQrVq9gaepca3Nhjj_cPtC400JgLCN9DOYIbtd69zvD8vDUOvVzMr2HGdWtKthqa35NF-3xMZKD8CShe8ZT74fNd9YZ0WRE-YeIf3T_Hv5p5V2w",
"refreshToken": "xRxGGEpVawiUak6He367W3oeOfh+3irw+1G1h1jc",
"userId": "73cf557a-394a-455d-898a-d77bb0432c2e"