Message Templates
FusionAuth will use message templates to send codes to users who have chosen an SMS MFA method. This is currently the only built-in workflow which uses message templates.
You may also create your own message templates with localized content and manage them using FusionAuth.
Managing Templates
FusionAuth ships with a default message template to support SMS MFA workflows. However, it isn’t assigned to the SMS Multi-Factor settings. To use it, configure the Tenant Multi-Factor settings.
You may also add new templates. Either use the Message Template API or the administrative user interface by navigating to Customizations -> Message Templates .

Base Information
The unique Id of the Message Template. The template Id may not be changed and will be used to interact with the template when using the APIs.
requiredThe name of the template. This value is for display purposes only and can be changed at any time.
requiredThe type of the template. SMS
is the only value currently supported.
The message template body can be localized.
You can associate the template text values with a locale. If a user has a preferred language, the localized template will be used when this text message is sent.

Templates & Replacement Variables
The message template body supports replacement variables. This means place holders can be inserted and the value will be calculated at the time the message template is rendered and sent to a user.
Most templates will contain the User object as returned on the Retrieve User API. This means you can utilize any value found on the User object such as email, first name, last name, etc.
Below you will find each stock template that FusionAuth ships for reference. The available replacement values will be outlined below for each template.
Default Two Factor Request
Two Factor Code: ${code}
Replacement Variables
ApplicationThe Application object, see the Application API for field definitions.
StringA code that the user must provide to complete multi-factor authentication.
StringEmail address associated with the user
StringMobile phone number associated with the user
TenantThe Tenant object, see the Tenant API for field definitions.
UserThe User object, see the User API for field definitions of a User.